Fact Sheets and SOPs Library
The University of Utah IBC and EHS
have developed Guidelines and Fact Sheets to assist investigators in developing safe laboratory practices.
In addition, the IBC has created templates for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and for Biosafety Manual and Exposure Control Plans, that can be adapted by investigators for use in their laboratory and can be submitted as part of an IBC registration.
- Autoclave Use and Testing SOP
- Biosafety Guidelines for Microbiology Teaching Laboratories
- Biosafety Guidelines for work with SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19
- Cell Sorter Guidelines and SOPCoxiella ABSL Guidance
- Guidelines for PIs injecting human cells and tissues into animals
- Guidelines for PIs working blood or OPIM
- Guidelines for PIs working with transgenic animals
- Guidelines for Post-Exposure procedures involving Biological Materials
- Guidelines for Testing Lentiviral Vector Stocks for Replication Competent Virus
- Guidelines for how to conduct a Risk Assessment
- Restricted Biological Agents Guide
- Screening of Synthetic Nucleic Acids Companion Guide 508
- Screening of Synthetic Nucleic Acids Guidance 2023
- Autoclave Use - Compatible/Incompatible Materials
- Best Practices for CO2 Incubator Maintenance
- Biohazard Spill Kit
- Biological Safety Cabinets
- Biological Safety Cabinet Failure Response ProcedureBSC Selection, Installation, and Maintenance
- Chemical Disinfectants
- E.coli Strains and NIH Guidlines
- Examples of Sharps Protection
- How to develop and write a Laboratory-Specific Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Large-Scale Use of Biological Materials
- Liquid Nitrogen Storage
- Management of Biosafety Level 1 (BSL1) Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Waste
- Management of Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Waste
- Medical Surveillance or Vaccination
- Open Flames Bunsen Burners in BSCs
- Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors
- Recombinant Adenoviral Vectors
- Recombinant Epstein-Barr Viral Vectors
- Recombinant Herpes Viral Vectors
- Recombinant Lentiviral Vectors
- Recombinant Murine Retroviral Vectors
- Recombinant Rabies Viral Vectors
- Recombinant Sendai Viral Vectors
- Recombinant Vaccinia Viral Vectors
- Registering with the IBC
- Responsibilities of Principal Investigators
- Sharps-Protection for Researchers
- Sharps Safety
- Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) Chemical Incompatibility
- Storing Biohazardous Material
- Transport of Biological Materials
- Ultraviolet Lamps in BSCs
- Vacuum Traps for Biohazardous Waste
- Work with Biological Toxins
- Working Safely with Dry Ice
- Aerosol-Generating Equipment SOP
- Animal Biosafety Containment SOP
- Aspiration Flask Setup and Use SOP
- Autoclave Use and Testing SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Cage Changing SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Handling SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Injections SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Intranasal and Oral Administration SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Necropsy SOP
- Biohazardous Animal Transport SOP
- Biohazardous Material Transport SOP
- Biohazardous Spill Clean Up SOP
- Biosafety Cabinet Use SOP
- Cell Sorter Guidelines and SOP
- Centrifugation SOP
- Containment Level Change-Stepdown SOP
- Core Facility Management SOP
- Decontamination and Disinfection SOP
- Donning and doffing PPE SOP
- Flaming Inoculating Loops SOP
- Hand Sanitation SOP
- Handling of Biohazardous Animals Outside of a Biosafety cabinet SOPHandling of Non-Human Primate Tissues and Cells SOP
- Imaging Core SOP Template SOP
- Imaging Live Cells SOP
- Liquid Biohazardous Waste SOP
- Site-Specific Training Record SOP
- Spill and Post Exposure Procedures SOP
- Training on Biohazards in Shared Spaces SOP
- Working with Human Samples and Cells
University of Utah Institutional
University of Utah Institutional